존경하는 연구자 여러분께, 안녕하십니까? 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소(HUFS ITRI)입니다. 본 연구소가 주최하는 제24회 국제학술대회(2025년 1월 24일 금요일)에 여러분을 초대합니다. 이번 학술대회는 <변화하는 세상 - 통번역사의 도전과 기회>를 주제로 새롭게 변화하는 세상에서 통번역사들이 당면한 도전과 기회를 다양한 시각에서 조명하고자 마련됐습니다. 특히 번역과 AI에 대해 Anthony Pym 교수님의 기조강연도 있을 예정입니다. 학술적 논의와 지식 교류의 장으로서 연구자 여러분의 고견을 나누는 의미 있는 자리가 되기를 기대합니다.
이번 학술대회는 온라인 화상회의 Zoom을 활용합니다. Zoom 링크는 아래와 같습니다. (Session) Opening, 1, 3, 5, Keynote, Closing The 24th ITRI International Conference Session 1, 3, 5 Time: Jan 24, 2025 10:30 AM Seoul Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81514540697?pwd=XanGVWpuQCMe4E6SXDkj7y5moHmeHa.1 Meeting ID: 815 1454 0697 Passcode: 642464 (Session) 2, 4, 6 The 24th ITRI International Conference Session 2, 4, 6 Time: Jan 24, 2025 10:30 AM Seoul Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82323265670?pwd=0WSE2WSSNtf68oPXx51RIqGzxTBvLP.1 Meeting ID: 823 2326 5670
Passcode: 642464 발표 프로그램은 아래 표 또는 첨부파일을 참조하시기 바랍니다. 문의사항이 있으실 경우, itri@hufs.ac.kr로 연락주시길 바랍니다. 연구자님들의 적극적인 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. 통번역연구소 드림. The 24th ITRI International Conference Challenges and Opportunities for Translators and Interpreters in a Changing World
Friday, January 24, 2025 Official languages: English & Korean (simultaneous interpretation provided) | PROGRAM *All times in Korea Standard Time (KST) | KST* | Friday, January 24, 2025 | 10:30-10:40 | OPENING Moderator 1: Kyongjo Woo (HUFS) Opening Remarks: Yonsuk Song, Director (ITRI, HUFS) Welcome Remarks: Soonlei Gwag, Dean (GSIT, HUFS) | 10:40-12:10 | SESSION 1 Cultural Translation Moderator 1: Kyongjo Woo (HUFS) | SESSION 2 Translator and Interpreter Training (I) Moderator 2: Won Jun Nam (HUFS) | 10:40-11:00 | Sang-Bin Lee, HUFS (Korea) Trans-editing as a Political Tool in Amplifying Counternarratives about ‘Comfort Women' | Hyun-Hee Han, Kyung Hee University (Korea) The Impact of AI Machine Translation on Undergraduate Students' Russian Writing | 11:00-11:20 | Jimin Lee, Keimyung University (Korea) Why Were Deborah Smith’s Translations Acknowledged by the World? | Kye-Youn Lee, HUFS (Korea) An Arabic- Korean Interpretation & Translation Education Class Model Using a Digital Tool Padlet | 11:20-11:40 | Yujin Bae, Dongguk University (Korea) Exploring New Directions in Profanity Translation Research | Deyan Zou & Jingyu Feng, Dalian University of Foreign Languages (China) Unleashing the Potential: How ChatGPT Improves Gisting Skills in Student Interpreters | 11:40-12:10 | Q&A Session | 12:10-13:30 | LUNCH | 13:30-15:00 | SESSION 3 Translator Competence and Qualifications Moderator 3: Silhee Jin (Chung Ang University) | SESSION 4 Machine Translation Assessment Moderator 4: Seung-Eun Sung (HUFS) | 13:30-13:50 | Peng Wang, Shaanxi Normal University (China) Impacts of Chinese Translators’ Risk Management Ability on Translation Project Outcomes: A Study Based on Structural Equation Model | Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia) Evaluating Machine Translation Performance with the BLEU Metric | 13:50-14:10 | Pan Ying & Li Xiaoyu, Beijing International Studies University (China) Redefining Translator Roles in the AI-Powered Global Commerce: Insights from Cross-Border E-commerce and the Digital Silk Road | Altaf A. Fakih & Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia) Quality Assessment of Instagram's Neural Machine Translation | 14:10-14:30 | Ebru Çavuşoğlu, Samsun University (Türkiye) The Changing Face of Translator Qualifications in the Age of AI | Rafat Y. Alwazna, King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia) The Use of Automation in the Rendition of Certain Articles of the Saudi Commercial Law into English: A Post-Editing-Based Comparison of Five Machine Translation Systems | 14:30-15:00 | Q&A Session | 15:00-15:20 | Break | 15:20-16:50 | SESSION 5 Translator and Interpreter Training (II) Moderator 5: Jieun Lee (Ewha Womans University) | SESSION 6 Media Translation Moderator 6: Han-Nae Yu (Chonnam National University) | 15:20-15:40 | José Ramón Calvo-Ferrer et al., University of Alicante; University of Vigo; University of Salamanca (Spain) Educational Video Games to Address Challenges in Translator Training in a Changing World | Muhammad Y. Gamal, Museum Translation Consultant (Australia) Audiovisual Translation in Mega Modern Museums | 15:40-16:00 | Vlasta Kučiš & Natalia Kaloh Vid, University of Maribor (Slovenia) Interdisciplinary Approach in Training Interpreting and Law Students in Slovenia | Dawei Zeng, University of Malaya (Malaysia) AI and the Role of Translators and Project Managers in Game Localization Process | 16:00-16:20 | Théodore Dassé, University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) Training English into French Translators-Cum-Post-Editors in the Age of Artificial Intelligence | Kaouthar Rahmani, Sidi Mohamed ben Abdellah University (Morocco) The Evolving Role of the Subtitler in the Era of Artificial Intelligence | 16:20-16:50 | Q&A Session | 16:50-17:00 | Break | 17:00-18:00 | KEYNOTE SESSION Moderator 7: Hyang-Ok Lim (HUFS) Anthony Pym, The University of Melbourne (Australia) Can Professional Translators Survive GenAI? | 17:40-18:00 | Q&A Session | 18:00-18:10 | Closing |