



ISSN 1975-6321 (Print)
ISSN 2713-8372 (Online)

통번역학연구, Vol.25 no.4 (2021)

DOI : 10.22844/its.2021.25.4.35

- 가다머(Gadamer)의 해석적 관점에 따른 러·한 문학 번역에 대한 고찰 -



This study insists that hermeneutics should be actively used for translation, focusing on Russian-Korean translation. Gadamer argued that in the interpretation of texts, an individual's understanding formed in the traditional sphere of influence works. Uulike the theological hermeneutics of previous hermeneutics researchers, Gadamer in his hermeneutics argues that only acquiring related to experience and existence forms the world of true hermeneutics. He says that the text must be approached from a hermeneutical point of view, and what is simply being written is an isolated thing. In other words, a text can be reproduced through interpreters. In this study, it is argued that the translation of the hermeneutic dimension is divided into Partial reprocessing and Complete reprocessing. It means both Partial and Complete reprocessing should be reprocessed in accordance with TL's world view. However, Partial reprocessing means that the expression of ST is reflected as much as possible, but is derived as an expression suitable for TL, and Complete reprocessing means that the meaning represented by the ST expression is accepted, but completely replaced with an expression suitable for TL. However, under the premise of hermeneutic translation tailored to the worldview of TL users, the meaning of ST should not be distorted. Hermeneutic translation is for the purpose of clearly grasping and conveying the implications of ST and the intention of the author, but does not create a new meaning in TT.
  해석학,가다머,번역 이론,부분적 재가공,전면적 재가공

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