



ISSN 1975-6321 (Print)
ISSN 2713-8372 (Online)

통번역학연구, Vol.25 no.3 (2021)

DOI : 10.22844/its.2021.25.3.141

- 임베딩을 활용한 인간번역의 자동평가 - 기계가 의미를 평가할 수 있을까 -


(한국외대 통번역대학원 한독과 교수)


(사이버한국외국어대학교 영어학부 부교수)


(한국외대 통번역대학원 한영과 겸임교수)


(한림대학교 융합소프트웨어 학과 석사과정)

This paper begins with the question. Is it possible that a machine can understand and evaluate the meaning of a text? Word2Vec is a neural network method of computing vector representations of words, which means the tool processes a text corpus and produces numeric vectors on the meanings of the words. This paper seeks to examine whether the automatic evaluation metrics, BLEUmodif and METEORmodif, enhanced by word2vec technology, are able to capture the meaning of translated texts better than their standard versions. To this end, first, five literary texts written in English were translated into Korean by 119 students. Then, these translations were evaluated by two professional translators/teachers and by five different automatic evaluation programs. These are standard versions of BLEU and METEOR as well as BLEUmodif and METEORmodif with the word2vec technology and finally Sent2Vec that computes sentence vector representations. For the sake of convenience, the last three systems are referred to as “embedding versions” in this study. The analysis shows that overall, the standard version of METEOR performed the best (grades: 0.838, ranking: 0.727), but at the level of individual texts, the embedding versions of BLEU and METEOR showed a higher correlation with human evaluation (four texts) than their standard versions (one text).
  번역,품질,기계,평가,워드 임베딩

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