



ISSN 1975-6321 (Print)
ISSN 2713-8372 (Online)

통번역학연구, Vol.25 no.3 (2021)

DOI : 10.22844/its.2021.25.3.01

- 그래픽 노블 번역에 나타난 명시화 전략 고찰 - 『풀』영역본을 중심으로 -



This study seeks to examine explicitation translation strategies in Keum Suk Gendry-Kim’s graphic novel Grass translated by Janet Hong, drawing on the notion of experiential, interpersonal and textual metafunctions in systemic functional linguistics. The analysis results demonstrate 1) in the experiential metafunction, the situation faced by ‘comfort women’ rendered more explicitly with more details, with related information added in the gutter, 2) in the interpersonal metafunction, emotions and opinions of victims elaborated more clearly and convincingly, and 3) in the textual metafunction, images and texts more closely connected based on onomatopoeia relocated into the next panel or added in the speech bubble given the interplay between verbal and visual elements and some information deleted to give more focus on the image. By shedding light on the examples of explicitation translation strategies illustrated in a graphic novel based on the notion of three metafunctions, this study draws attention to explicitation as a strategic choice to help readers in other cultures fully appreciate the literary work, pointing to the need for further delving into the contribution of explicitation to meaning-making in a wider range of genres.
  그래픽 노블,『풀』,명시화,만화 번역,체계기능언어학

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