



Title The 22nd ITRI International Conference
Author 관리자 Date Posted 2022-11-04 22:28:02

Call for Papers

Assessment and Evaluation in Translation and Interpretation: Reflection on Quality


The 22nd ITRI International Conference

January 27-28, 2023 (online)



Distinguished colleagues,


The Interpreting and Translation Research Institute (ITRI) at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Korea is pleased to invite you to the 22nd ITRI international conference scheduled to be held virtually on January 27-28, 2023. The theme of the conference is “Assessment and Evaluation in Translation and Interpretation: Reflection on Quality.”


The discipline of translation and interpretation (T&I) studies has expanded in scope to explore and understand a wide array of aspects of T&I. At the same time, the number of T&I educational institutions and T&I service providers has increased dramatically. The ever-growing T&I sector has also been affected by technological developments, including the advancement in machine translation and the increasing adoption of remote interpreting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All these changes may have had both a direct and indirect impact on quality in translation and interpretation.


Against this backdrop, we believe it is time to re-direct our attention to quality in translation and interpretation. Research on assessment is typically concerned with the quality of products of translation and interpreting, which may include studies on the performances of trainees, T&I professionals, as well as T&I performed by machine, from a variety of angles and through diverse methods. Evaluation is concerned with the quality and effectiveness of T&I pedagogy and curricula as well as T&I policies and programs. There may also be other important aspects of assessment and evaluation that require our attention. Thus, ITRI cordially invites you to contribute to this reflective process, with the aim of deepening our understanding of quality in T&I and proposing new approaches to assessment and evaluation.


Under the theme of “Assessment and Evaluation in Translation and Interpretation: Reflection on Quality,” we are calling for papers on subjects related to assessment and evaluation, including but not limited to the following:

-          Quality assessment of students and professionals in T&I

-          Assessment of T&I performance carried out by, or with the help of, technology

-          Translation quality assessment methods

-          Theories and practices on T&I quality assessment

-          Evaluation of T&I educational programs

-          Evaluation of T&I policies

-          Assessment and evaluation in the context of T&I pedagogy


Submitting a proposal

-          Individual proposals should be a minimum of 300 words.

-          You may submit your proposals in English or Korean.

-          All proposals should be accompanied by short bios (ca 100 words) of the presenters.

-          Please send all proposals via email to itri@hufs.ac.kr



-          December 1, 2022: Submission of proposals

-          December 19, 2022: Acceptance of proposals

-          January 13, 2023: Submission of papers (Microsoft Word or PowerPoint slides) 


To ensure smooth preparations for the conference, you are kindly asked to adhere to the above deadlines. For any inquiries, please email ITRI at itri@hufs.ac.kr.


How to register as a participant

-          Conference registration is free.

-          The online conference link will be posted on the ITRI homepage before the conference: http://itri.hufs.ac.kr



Interpreting and Translation Research Institute (ITRI)

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)

Seoul, Republic of Korea






22 한국외대 통번역연구소 국제학술대회 발표논문 


주제: 통번역과 평가

2023 1 27() ~ 28()



존경하는 연구자 여러분께,


안녕하십니까? 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소(HUFS ITRI)입니다.


본 연구소는 <통번역과 평가>를 주제로 2023년 1월 27-28일에 제 22회 국제학술대회를 온라인으로 개최하고자 합니다.


통번역(T&I) 연구 분야는 통번역의 다양한 측면을 구하고 이해하기 위해  범위가 계속해서 확장되고 있습니다이와 함께 통번역 교육기관  통번역 서비스 공업체 또한 급격한 증가세를 보이고 있습니다끊임없이 확장하는 통번역 연구 분야는 또한 기계 번역의 발전과 COVID-19 팬데믹으로 인한 원격통역의 증가와  기술 발전의 영향을 받고 있습니다이러한 모든 화는 통번역 품질에 직간접적으로 영향을 미치고 있습니다.  


이러한 배경에서 이제는 통번역 품질에 다시 관심을 기울여야  때라고 생각합니다평가 관련 연구는 일반적으 통번역 품질과 관련이 있으며여기에는 통번역 전공 학생들통번역 전문가  기계가 수행한 통번역 산출물을 다양한 연구방법을 통해 다양한 측면에서  고찰하는 연구가 포함됩니다또한 평가는 통번역 관련 정책  프로그램 뿐만 아니라 통번역 교수법  교육과정과도 관련이 있습니다 외에도 통번역 연구자들의 관심을 요하는 또다른 중요한 측면이 있을  있습니다이에 따라 저희 통번역연구소 통번역 품질에 대한 이해를 진시키고 평가에 대한 새로운 접근법을 제안하는 것을 표로 22 국제학술대회를 개최하오니많은 연구자분들의 고견을 들을  있기를 기대합니다.


<22 한국외대 통번역연구소 국제학술대회>

일시: 2023 1 27() ~ 28()

장소: 온라인(온라인 등록 , 접속방법 추후 홈페이지 메일 공지)

주제: 통번역과 평가

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