



ISSN 1975-6321 (Print)
ISSN 2713-8372 (Online)

통번역학연구, Vol.25 no.2 (2021)

DOI : 10.22844/its.2021.25.2.85

- 웹 코퍼스와 불한 번역 등가어 - 코로나바이러스 관련 연어 관계를 중심으로 -



Collocations are lexical or grammatical combinations of preferred words in certain uses. In corpus linguistics, collocations can be explored using several methods such as co-occurrences and the n-gram, which allow the lexical distributions around a keyword in a big corpus to be closely observed. Corpus-based translation studies also use these methods to find out the translation correspondences of collocations between two different languages. This article aims to observe co-occurrences between French and Korean and to find their translation equivalences in a Web as Corpus concerning the coronavirus. After building a coronavirus-centered French-Korean corpus from the web, we examined co-occurrences of some keywords like coronavirus/‘코로나 바이러스’, cas/‘확진자’, and vaccin/‘백신’. This method allowed us to carefully examine co-occurring words between French and Korean and to investigate their translation characteristics. In addition, we verified the usefulness of the Web as Corpus in this type of study with regard to specific subjects.
  연어,웹 코퍼스,번역 등가,공기,불한 번역

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